So, What is a Toner?
We often hear people comment on how they are unfamiliar with the benefits of a toner. Wondering how to incorporate it into their skincare routine. In this blog, we are going to uncover the truth behind them. Hopefully by the end of this reading, you too will consider them an essential part of any skincare routine. A toner is a product that is incredibly versatile and has a wide number of benefits. Designed to be absorbed by the skin very quickly, therefore offering quick hydration. It cleans excess dirt, sebum and skin cells that accumulate throughout the day upon or on the skin – instantly reviving and revitalising. This product also works to prepare your skin for the use of other beneficial products. It does this by restoring the natural balance of your skin, recalibrating the PH levels. It removes impurities that stop your skin absorbing and benefiting from further skincare products (think of it as a ‘primer’). Here at Urban Veda, we have taken great care to include a host of beautiful botanical and skin-loving ingredients into our toner range.Our Toner Top Tip:
Whether you are a spritz or a dab kinda person. Keep your toner in the fridge, it will be extra cooling for your skin. Perfect for these boiling summer months. Give yourself a boost of icey cold hydration directly onto your face. It will certainly cool you down as well as protect your skin from drying out in the suns ray’s. If you aren’t a spritz fan, then dabbing some onto a cotton pad (make sure they are reusable cotton pads) and swipe across the entire face and neck. This will remove excess dirt that a face wash might miss. Two different ways of using a toner, for two different purposes.How to incorporate them into your daily skincare routine:
Toner's are best used straight after cleansing the fact to restore the skin's natural pH levels. Sometimes after we cleanse, the skin can feel quite tight. This is because the skins natural oils have been momentarily washed away. Using a toner will restore our natural elasticity into the skin, offering a layer of protection along with it. Use them morning and night after you cleanse. And throughout the day in a spritz to refresh the senses and the skin and maintain hydration levels all day long.The Urban Veda Range
We understand that all skin is unique however can be clarified and grouped into Doshas; (please click here to take our Dosha skin test!) which is why we have hand-crafted and lovingly designed a toner for each Dosha. Read brief breakdown of each product for you below inclusive of the ingredients that make each product so special: The Radiance Hydrating Toner, for the Vata Dosha – Our radiance toner is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant turmeric, aloe vera extract, papaya and fruits aplenty to reduce inflammation, balance the skin and restore lustre to your complexion. The Purifying Hydrating Toner, for the Kapha Dosha – Our purifying toner is perfect for those who suffer from breakouts on the skin, infused with a wide collection of botanicals which includes Indian neem, witch hazel, wild mint and tea tree extracts. The Soothing Hydrating Toner, for the Pitta Dosha – Our soothing toner includes the sandalwood, which is an ancient source of Ayruvedic medicine, and is also amazing at curing skin conditions and alleviating a wide range of ailments – also included within our soothing toner is lavender, orange and myrrh! The Reviving Hydrating Toner, for all Doshas – Our reviving toner is an incredible all-rounder and also very cooling for tired and mature skin. It contains a number of omega rich bio-oils, geranium which soothes and calms skin alongside Jasmine extract.