Post Pop-Up
In celebration of our 5
th Year Anniversary last week, we set up our very own Urban Veda Pop-Up Shop in the trendy location of Old Street Station.
What an amazing week it was. Showcasing our full product range in a space that we could call our own (even if only for a week) was an absolute joy.
The Appear Here Pop-Up shop was transformed into a bohemian space bursting with natural plants, wooden furnishings and decorated with exotic ingredients used in our range of skincare products. The calming smell of sandalwood filled the shop and could be smelt by early morning commuters passing by each morning. We had truly created a place of tranquillity in the heart of one of the busiest places in London.
Brand Masterclasses
Alongside the retail shop, we hosted a range of immersive Ayurvedic experience at the Pop-Up. So, being able to run these events enabled us to bond closely with people new to the brand.
Each day we hosted ‘Urban Veda Brand Masterclasses’. Then, over a lunch hour break, we presented to our guests the story behind the brand and the Ayurvedic philosophy. Each person took our fun and interactive ‘Dosha Test’ which you can also find online
here. We discussed an explanation of each Dosha plus their characteristics and helpful tips on how to balance their dosha type. We loved being able to connect people through these classes.
Then we also hosted Sweaty Betty sponsored yoga classes. An early morning session of power yoga left our guests energised for their busy day ahead. Whilst our evening class focused on bodily stretching to relieve any strains from the day. The calm atmosphere inside our Yoga haven certainly contrasted the chaotic rush hour occurring just the other side of the window!

Finally, we hosted an Ayurvedic talk by author of 'A Practical Guide to Optimal Health and Vitality'. The room filled as guests listened in to Geeta discussing ‘Ayurveda: Beauty from Within’. She provided helpful tips on how to approach holistic wellbeing to maintain good health all year round.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended one of our classes, bought some products, or just popped by and had a chat. We thoroughly enjoyed the week and will definitely be popping up elsewhere soon!