Ayurvedic wisdom goes beyond the simple ‘positive thinking’ mantra. Not only is it important to try to keep your mind steeped in positive thoughts. But, it is important to instil routine and ‘living well’ into all aspects of your life. This can change your thought patterns from negative to positive in all situations.
A positive attitude can make a world of difference to your day-to-day life. It may not always be easy to remain positive, but try to appreciate the smaller things in life and to always look for the silver lining.
It is important to realise and notice what we have in our lives, and to be appreciative of everything we have. According to Ayurveda, if you are religious, say a prayer daily in the morning and before bed. If you are spiritual, recite a mantra. If you are neither, find a positive, affirming quote by someone you admire, and recite that.
It is best to avoid speaking ill of others and thinking ill thoughts of yourself. Still your negative emotions such as jealousy, anger, greed, sadness, fear, etc. , through the use of meditation and yogic practices. And, most importantly, enjoy life! Continually try new things will help to keep your mind flexible and adaptable, as well as participating in activities that are enjoyable for you.
Don't forget that smiles are contagious, whether you smile at a stranger or a loved one, it can easily uplift someone else's mood. Helping to give someone else's day a boost, may also result in personal happiness too!
What are your tips for staying positive?