Christmas can be an overwhelming time. We’re frantically searching for presents, finalising our work for the year whilst keeping up appearances at social events. Our skin is a true reflection of our internal health which during the festivities can appear tired, dehydrated and even congested after the consumption of overindulgent and rich Christmas foods.
We are true believers of balance; the core concept of Ayurveda. Ayurveda states that balance must be upheld in all areas of life in order to maintain good health. With preserving clear and glowing skin in mind, here are our top five suggestions to maintaining balance whilst still enjoying the Christmas festivities.
Take some time out to meditate:
Meditation is balance of the mind. In the rush of Christmas, our minds can be pulled in all directions making us feel mentally stretched. How best to bring us back into balance for a healthy mind? Sitting quietly for just 15 minutes in the morning helps to clear our minds from the whir around us, focus on yourself and bring inner stillness ...
During Christmas we tend to over indulge in food, and especially, drink. Alcohol really dehydrates us on the inside and out meaning our skin needs extra love and hydration. Our facial oils are formulated with a blend of essential oils to provide an extra layer of protection and hydration to help your skin glow even after the work Christmas party!
Eat healthily where possible:
With temptation at its highest during this indulgent season, aim to eat healthily when you can to allow yourself some of that bubbly and chocolate puddings at the festive parties. Christmas doesn’t have to be an unhealthy time, so fill your plate with the abundance of vegetables on offer.
Enjoy some proper ‘Me Time’:
Busy schedules are inevitable, so when you have a night with nothing on, make plans with yourself. Run a bath and spend the night relaxing. Our Reviving Body Ritual Set will do just that, as the beautiful Rose Damascus calms any tensions and feeds the body nutrients.
Get enough sleep:
Sleep is essential to feeling energised and renewed each day and the skin will be the first place where signs of sleep deprivation are present. Our bodies restore mentally during the hours of 10pm and 12am and the hours after midnight are for physical repair. Sleep is therefore crucial so don’t be afraid of an early night in the lead up to Christmas.