What is Neem?
So, lets break it down. Neem is a multi-purpose vegetable oil. The pressed fruits and seeds of a neem tree are used to make neem oil. The neem tree is native to India. Pure Neem oil is a treasured as an economic product. Also, the ancient healing system of Ayurveda uses pure neem. We at Urban Veda use organic neem within our products as a purifying and cleansing ingredient.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda was founded in the Himalayas and is based on a holistic knowledge of plants and their therapeutic properties. The word 'Ayurveda' is Sanskrit and derived from two roots: ‘ayur’ meaning life, and ‘veda’ meaning knowledge. We at Urban Veda believe in the philosophies of Ayurveda.
The neem tree is an invaluable ingredient. As every part of the neem tree can be used. The Neem tree's bark, leaves, fruit, flowers, seeds and oil are all used in Ayurveda practices. We at Urban Veda, use neem in our purifying range.
Pure neem is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy. Moreover, pure neem is an ingredient used for its many therapeutic properties. Also, this ingredient is high in fatty acids and vitamin E. These properties make this a powerful ingredient. Neem powder rejuvenates skin cells and restores elasticity.
How to Use Neem.
Pure neem acts as an excellent moisturiser for dry skins. Additionally, neem oil helps to soothe irritated skin. Moreover, Neem oil is a powerful antiseptic. Neem is also a non-comedogenic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial tonic. This product is ideal for more oily skin types.

In Ayurveda, five elements compose everything in the universe. These elements are ether, air, fire, water and earth. All in all, these elements combine to create three doshas: vata (air and ether), pitta (water and fire), and kapha (water and earth).
Furthermore traditionally neem helps to alleviate both kapha and pitta imbalances in the skin.
Neem is an excellent natural ingredient for those who have excess skin oils (sebum). We at Urban Veda use cold-pressed pure neem within our multi-award-winning Purifying range. Our Purifying range focuses on detoxifying your skin.
Urban Veda Purifying Neem + Botanics Skincare